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How to write a cover letter for an internship?

Cover Letter For Internships

In today’s highly competitive environment, students involve themselves in diverse roles and activities, and one such activity is an internship. An internship is a chance for professional learning that gives students relevant, hands-on work related to their field of study or career interest.

An internship application’s two most important components are a résumé and a cover letter. These documents assist a prospective recruiter in reducing the pool of candidates based on each one’s qualifications, experience and interests.  Therefore, the secret to successfully getting an internship is understanding how to write creative, powerful cover letters and resumes. This article will walk you through each step of writing an attention-grabbing cover letter that can help you land a job.

What is a cover letter for an internship? 

A cover letter, often referred to as a covering letter or a motivation letter, is a formal greeting letter frequently included with the applicant’s resume or Curriculum Vitae for a particular post. This typically one-page paper aims to introduce you and your professional experience quickly. A cover letter typically ranges in length from 200 to 500 words. Writing a strong cover letter might help attract potential employers’ attention. Your cover letter can make or break your application. 

Most students lack critical work experience, which is highly sought after by most recruiters while applying for internships. Thus, a strong cover letter can help compensate for the lack of experience and allow the student to communicate their passion, interest, and willingness to learn from the opportunity. While resumes are usually factual and impersonal in nature, cover letters are subjective and involve a personal touch. Its subjective nature thus gives a student a chance to make a personal appeal as to why they must be selected for the particular internship opportunity. 

Components of a cover letter

It is crucial to provide some pertinent information about yourself in the cover letter because it is frequently the first thing a potential employer will read. So, let us first go through the essential elements of a cover letter.

  • Personal information: Information such as Name, Permanent address and current address, contact information including phone number and email-id etc. 
  • Date: Like in any formal letter, mention the date of application.
  • Title of primary contact person: If there is any primary contact person, address the cover letter and mention the proper title.
  • Salutation: Mention the proper salutation for the contact person, such as Mr./Ms., Respected, etc.
  • Opening paragraph: The introduction can describe how you found out about the specific internship opportunity and what piqued your attention.
  • Middle paragraph: Work experience and relevant abilities that are relevant to the position can be briefly explained in the middle paragraph.
  • Contact information: Include a statement about your availability for the internship and contact information so companies may get in touch with you.
  • Closing: Write a compelling pitch outlining your readiness to work and wish to be given a chance to work in the organisation’s best interests.

Steps to write a cover letter for an internship

Here are the 5 steps to adopt, that would make your internship resume stand out!

  1. Apply the right format

    Choosing an acceptable format comes first. A suitable format for a cover letter is one that presents information chronologically. Additionally, use a formal tone when composing your cover letter. Candidates must ensure that their cover letters are short and to the point; a wordy cover letter can turn off a potential employer. Don’t forget to utilise formal verbatim when necessary.
    The hiring manager will likely not even attempt to read a cover letter if it appears complicated. Therefore, check the format before starting to write a cover letter. 
    Note that an ideal cover letter must not exceed one page. 

  2. Writing the introduction

    The next step is to start with the introduction of the cover letter. The introduction must first contain a clear indication of the position that is being applied for. Indicating the position at the beginning streamlines your cover letter and clarifies your intent to the recruiter. 
    Once the position has been indicated, the applicant can mention any significant academic or competitive achievement. For instance, any achievement from a previous internship opportunity or an outstanding performance in a competition can be said. 
    Finally, the applicant can end the introductory paragraph by showing that they are enthusiastic and passionate about the position they are applying for. 

  3. Writing the middle paragraph

    What the candidate has to offer the employer should be discussed in the middle paragraph of the cover letter. Make clear linkages between the qualifications and the demands of the post. The applicant must mention how their experience and skills are specifically related to the position they’re looking for. Instead of one long block of text, break up your qualifications into numerous shorter paragraphs. The reader will be able to rapidly glance over and take in this crucial information thanks to this.
    The applicant can also refer to any aspect of the internship opportunity or the organisation that has piqued their interest or excited them. Furthermore, the applicant must mention a few critical skills they possess that are relevant to the internship.
    To describe prior involvements, provide detailed statistics and metrics. It is important to remember that by quantifying achievements, hiring managers will perceive the applicant’s experience as more significant and will be able to gauge their impact. 

  4. Writing the closing paragraph

    A cover letter’s final paragraph is crucial since it will give the recruiting manager their last impression of the applicant. A reasonable conclusion can propel the recruiters to set up an interview and shortlist the applicant’s candidature. 
    The concluding paragraph must first include a summary of your skills and their advantages to the company’s growth. This must be followed by an appeal to hear from them in the future or requesting an interview schedule with the recruiter. Phrases such as “I look forward to speaking with you about how I can put my skills to work through this internship opportunity” are good examples. The applicant must also include updated contact details which the recruiter can use to contact them. Finally, end the concluding para by thanking the recruiter for taking the time to read the letter as well as the organisation for providing students with such a good opportunity. 

  5. Review and Revise

    Reviewing, editing and formatting the cover letter before submitting it is essential. Once everything has been written and completed, double-check and proofread the cover letter for any errors in the final thing to do. Although a spelling or grammar error is unlikely to disqualify the applicant, it will likely serve as a warning sign to recruiters that the applicant has a casual attitude.
    When examining the application, hiring managers frequently skim the cover letter for the appropriate keywords that indicate the applicant’s suitability for the internship. Thus, the applicant can ensure they have included the right keywords in their cover letter. Make sure to customise the cover letter according to the position applied for. 
    Therefore, having a clear, error-free cover letter improves the chances of being noticed throughout the screening phase of an internship application. Therefore, students can use the instructions above to ensure they get the interview for their dream internship!
