All students find it challenging to study for board examinations. After the 10th board exam, just as you are beginning to feel at peace, the 12th board exam rushes in without giving you a chance to take a breath of relief. As a student, board exams are likely considered one of the most daunting hurdles you encounter among many others. In any case, getting ready for an exam that is billed as one of the largest exams of your life is difficult. Students experience an unspeakable terror when the dates for the board exams are announced.
While feeling nervous and anxious about these exams will lead you nowhere, you might want to try putting in more effort and hard work in your preparations for the exams. For your preparation, the last few months before the exams are the most crucial.
This article covers some helpful tips that can assist students in the 10th and 12th classes in meticulously preparing for the board exams in a timely and efficient manner.
How to Pass the Board Exams with Good Grades?
This is by far the most common and typical question that every student appearing for the exam contemplates.
For any student, it is crucial to learn how to learn. Confused? Simply put, it basically means you need to understand how to learn and retain the knowledge you have already acquired more quickly and efficiently. This is a skill that many students struggle with.
The secret to doing well on your board exams is being able to study effectively so that your efforts and hard work are ultimately rewarded by achieving high marks.
Useful Tips to Score Good Marks in Board Exams
1. Prepare a time-table
A timetable is a must for every student aiming to achieve higher grades on their exams. You must set up an organised schedule that you will adhere to while preparing for all your subjects. Create a timetable in such a manner that it includes your daily activities and usual routine along with your study plans. A well-structured and realistic timetable allows you to plan extra time for difficult topics or subjects.
2. Create a decent study plan
Prepare a good study plan focusing equally on all the subjects. With the help of your timetable, you can divide your time among all subjects. Avoid study plans that involve long mind-numbing hours of continuous studying. Remember to add at least 30-40 minutes of break in between your study plans.
Organise your study plan in a way that allows you to study a mix of all subjects instead of sticking to one subject for 5 hours. Continuously focusing on only one subject will quickly lose your interest if you keep studying it for hours on end. You can plan your study schedule by starting with easier topics and then moving on to the difficult ones. This way you won’t end up studying all the easy topics at the beginning of your timetable in one go and also not overburden yourself with the challenging topics altogether at the same time.
3. Check and divide the syllabus
It would be beneficial if you concentrated on each subject’s syllabus. To achieve a good grade, you must give your choices priority and pay close attention to those topics and chapters. It would be wise to divide your syllabus into manageable portions based on the topics and then study it in accordance with your timetable. Splitting the syllabus topic-wise is a good way to gain an in-depth understanding of every topic and as a result, it will help you save time during revision sessions.
4. Take notes
For achieving a good score on your board exams, you must cultivate the habit of preparing notes. Jot down the key points of every topic you study. These notes will prove to be useful during revision time. When you prepare your notes, make sure they are written in a straightforward and simple manner that is easy for you to comprehend when you revise them before the exams.
We have curated CBSE class notes for you, that can be handy
5. Daily revision
At the end of each day, develop a habit to revise every topic of every subject that you studied during the day. It aids in long-term memory retention of the knowledge. If you fail to do so and neglect the daily revision, then there’s a high chance you will be unable to remember or barely recollect the topics you have already studied.
Reviewing your daily work at the end of the day not only improves learning skills but also enables you to possess a clear understanding of the portions/topics you earlier had difficulty comprehending.
6. Explain the well-read topics to others
One way to quickly put your knowledge to the test is by explaining the topics you studied earlier to your friends/family members. Explaining something to a person who has no clue about that specific topic is a great way to determine whether you have fully understood and retained the topic. If you are unable to explain the concept in layman’s terms, then you should revise the topic again but this time do it more thoroughly.
7. Study the textbooks
Typically, the odds of receiving a question outside of the required textbooks are quite slim. Having said that, ensure that you cover every concept and topic of all the necessary subject textbooks. Make certain you study every textbook because they provide deeper understanding of the basics which will assist you in strengthening the upcoming complex topics.
Keep in mind that questions may be posed about diagrams, tables, or graphs so study them as well.
8. Practice on past years’ test questions, mock/sample papers
Develop a practice of solving previous years’ question papers to familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and most frequently asked questions. This will give you an idea about the type of questions that can be asked based on which you can prepare accordingly. Apart from that, you can also practice using sample question papers specially designed for students appearing for the board exams.
Solving these question papers will elevate your confidence and assist you in identifying your weak points which you can overcome before the final exam.
To gauge your speed and accuracy, try solving the practice question paper within the allotted time. You will not be given extra time for the final board exam, therefore prepare yourself by taking these mock tests so you can finish the paper on time with a couple of minutes to spare for reviewing your answers.
We have curated following resources for you
General Exam Tips for 10th and 12th Class Students
Before the Final Exam
1) Avoid studying till late on the night before the exam. Relax your mind and get a good sleep of at least 7-8 hours. The next day, wake up early and do a quick review of the key topics/sections.
2) Try as much as possible to remain physically and mentally fit. Eat healthy on the morning of the exam. Meditate for 10 minutes to free your mind from stress and worries.
3) Do not attempt to study new topics the night before the exam or the day of the exam. This will increase your anxiety, decrease your confidence, and cause you to forget the other topics of the syllabus you worked hard to learn.
4) Put away all your study material 20 minutes before the commencement of the exam. Take a deep breath and enter the exam hall relaxed and confident.
During the Final Exam
1) When the Invigilator hands you the question paper, do not be in a haste to write your answer. Carefully read the entire question paper as well as the instructions provided and then proceed with writing your answer.
2) Write your answers in a neat and easy-to-read manner. Keep your answer sheet clean and avoid erasing anything multiple times. Untidy writing and/or dirty answer sheet that is difficult to read and understand make a poor impression on the examiner who will be in charge of reviewing and scoring your answers. This might lead to a loss of marks.
3) It is wise to solve and answer the easy questions first to save more time for the complex ones.
4) Write relevant, precise, and to-the-point answers for every question. Writing unnecessary details will not help you increase your scores.
5) If you are having difficulty answering a specific question, move on to the next one without wasting time. Once you have answered all of the questions, go back to that particular question and try to answer it again.
6) Recheck your answer sheet before handing it over. Check all the examinee details required are written correctly. Review your answer sheet to see if you have answered all the mandatory questions.
Getting good marks in board exams is not a piece of cake. Therefore, invest as much time as you can in its preparation. Follow the tips given above and work hard with complete concentration to achieve a higher percentage.